Proper aircraft maintenance involves a lot of components for considerations. The essential parts of this process are overal inspection, overhaul and repair as well as maintenance documentation which is critical for defect rectification and components replacement. All this is done in accordance to compliance to airworthiness standards on repairs. When it comes to aircraft inspection and maintenance, specialized aviation equipment are used to test and correct technical errors and imbalances on various components rotor, fan, propeller, among others.
Examples of specialized aviation equipment used aircraft repairs and maintenance include vibration analyzer, field balancing equipment and vibration meter. These tools are critical for balancing different components of an aircraft. Field balance equipment, in particular is especially handful when you want to achieve proper balance without altering their natural position as they are in during actual flight.
Conducting your aircraft maintenance under these conditions ensure safety not only for your asset but also the passengers. Some of the key benefits proper maintenance will offer you are only evident after a thorough field balancing procedure.
Field Balance Equipment Can Ensure Bearing Last Longer
Unbalanced bearings have been associated with numerous aircraft components problems such as increased vibrations which could potentially lead to machine downtime and breakdown. Bearings are designed to greatly reduce components motion, vibration and unbalance and thus wearing out after a while. A worn out bearing means that it won’t effectively limit these motions and vibration, which exposes your aircraft to serious complications and potential crash. Choosing the right field balance equipment is essential for correcting bearing imbalances for improved service duration.
Proper Balancing Can Significantly Reduce Noise
Nothing is built to perfection because even perfection is relative when it comes to complex aircraft components. It doesn’t matter how balanced these component are, aircraft, particularly helicopters experiences noise and vibrations, but it’s more noticeable on aircraft in need of balancing. Balance equipment ensure the vibration and noise are kept at manageable levels for smooth flights. Be keen to notice any change of noise from the machine as this often indicates a balancing problem.
Reduce Vibration and Proper Balancing Improve Structural Integrity
Prolonged vibrations and unbalanced components expose your aircraft to structural malfunctions. An aircraft in designed in such a way that the body can absorb vibrations, but when the machine has not been balanced for long it exert pressure and stresses on the structure causing wear and tears along the body. Structural damages are quite expensive to repair and instead you should ensure regular equipment balancing and vibration analysis, which can greatly reduce the overawe costs of extensive repairs.
When you consider proper aircraft maintenance, you’re improving the performance of your aircraft while extending it’s service life. Using field balance equipment you get to save on maintenance time since you won’t have to disassemble the rotating parts just to balance, instead the procedure is conducted with the part in its original position. However, before performing a field balance, certain contingencies needs to be in place to ensure proper procedure.
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