5 Ways in Which Robots Will Not Take Over the World

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We’ve all heard it: robots are taking over the world; all our jobs are going to robots; pretty soon there will be no need to human workers. However, even though that are some jobs that might be replaced, it’s not true that no human employees are going to be necessary. Recruiting services might need to switch things up a little bit but there is no reason to expect that the every day jobs such as sales and marketing positions and more won’t still be available. Robots aren’t all bad, you just have to look at things in perspective. Let’s look at some of the benefits of using robotics, as a real person in this world.

They Will Create Jobs
That’s right, you read that correctly. They will actually open up opportunity for software developers, huge manufacturing factories with welders, machinists, designers, etc. There is also going to be need for programmer to work with the software developers and designers to create the models. Automation engineers will be needed and product development positions will open up. Not to mention the need for project management, supervisors, recruiters, human resources and more. For any jobs that you think you’ll lose because of these robots, just as many new positions will open up. If you are willing to get the training to become software developers or something else, then you have nothing to worry about. You will always have a job.

They Make Less Mistakes
There are a great many surgeries that could be done if a robot was doing them. Of course, it will need a surgeons mind behind it but the stability, flexibility and other abilities. Over all, barring a bad design, a robot isn’t going to have a finger or arm slip while preforming intricate procedures. They have the capability of being more precise and consistent with their work than humans that. This may sound like it’s just a benefit for the employer but real people benefit from that to. The whole world of surgeries will open up because they will be able to preform procedures that are just too risky for humans to attempt. This will save a lot of lives.

They Will Do the Dangerous Work
There are a lot of jobs out there that have to get done but they are very dangerous. Jobs that include working in an unstable environment, lifting heavy materials, mixing toxic substances, etc will be made safe because the human can stay behind the computer. This could even include jobs like the military, oil rig workers in the middle of the sea, etc. Those jobs could be done by robots which would keep the humans a lot safer. If software developers and various engineers are able to manufacture a being that will get the necessary jobs done while protecting our sons, fathers, husbands and brothers, how could we ever be against that?

They Can Protect Us
With all of the recent shootings that have taken place, the situation has arisen that begs the question; could having robots in the classroom protect children? The answer is yes. Robots can be programmed to sense an impending dangerous situation. When they realize (unemotionally) that there is something going on, their number one priority will be to protect the humans there. Because the robots themselves are not human, they will be able to get in harms way to check it out. If everyone is on lock down, robots will have no problem roaming the building and looking for the culprit. This doesn’t just apply to schools; it could also mean robberies at companies, homes, churches, movie theaters, etc.

They Won’t Have Any Agendas
As humans, we fall prey to preferences, be it social, racial, sexual, emotional and more. As much as people say that they are completely unbiased, the truth is, as humans, we have our own biases and ways of thinking. A robot, however, will never give someone else the job over you because they likes them better or connected more quickly or had more in common. They won’t pass you up for a promotion because they owe a favor to someone else. Emotions, mood and atmosphere will not affect their decisions, which could really equate out in your benefit.

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