The Internet of Things may be an unfamiliar phrase to some individuals, but technology companies and software developers understand that the vertical market sales and other supply chain jobs depend on the connectedness of all things digital. Knowing, for instance, that your company can access both data and details about potential customers means that you do not always have to rely on blind marketing methods to connect to your future customers. By mining information from a variety of sources, your vertical market sales strategy can focus on the customers who have already shown an interest in your website, or in the products that you offer.
Consider some of the facts and figures about the interconnectedness of today’s technology and the successful marketing techniques that many companies employ:
- Skilled candidates are often difficult to find. For example, 71% of respondents admit to having a shortage of skilled candidates in their respective sectors when they make comparisons to the even more difficult number of 76% in the year 2013.
- The boom of the Internet of Things means that the amount of devices that connect to the internet will rise from about 13 billion today to as many as 50 billion by the year 2020.
- A way to stay relevant in today’s digital market is to make sure that all of the devices in your company are connected and helping you achieve the common goal.
- Year end numbers can help your marketing agency evaluate how your company is doing in the effort to connect to potential and current customers.
- Computers, cell phones, and tablets have always been used to help access information that can help you make shopping and purchase decisions. When the Internet of thing
- Openings at technology companies can sometimes be difficult to fill. In fact, the average time-to-fill in the year 2013 was six days for temporary positions; eight days for contract positions; and 32 days for permanent positions.
- Nightlights that illuminate stairs have been around for a long time, but being connected to the Internet of Things makes them even more functional.
- New door locks can be installed that home owners can easily operate from the car, the drive way, or across the country.
- Estimates indicate that 12 million RFID tags, which are used to capture data and track movement of objects in the physical world, were sold in the year 2011. By 2021, however, it is estimated this number will increase to 209 billion as the Internet of Things takes continues to expand.
- Computers have long been used to keep people connected, the Internet of Things is going to make it so that we can connect to our technology through many other items as well.
- The Internet of Things refers to devices other than computers that are connected to the Internet and are able to send and receive data. Although this term only began gaining wide recognition more recently, the term has been around for more than 15 years.
- Essentially, The Internet of Things is the concept of connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet. The analyst firm Gartner predicts that by the year 2020 there will be more than 26 billion connected devices.
- Deciding to connect with consumers in a single industry through vertical market sales is a profitable way to reach the best potential clients.