Digital Marketing Strategy Essentials

If you are trying to sell a product or service, digital marketing is almost a must in this day and age. Almost everyone is on the internet, so if you do not do digital marketing and rely only on print ads, for example, you are missing a major part of your market. You could also be losing out on a lot of business because of this. This is why it is a good idea to learn all about digital marketing and its different forms. For example, you should have a web page, a strong social media presence, and even a blog if it is applicable to what you are trying to sell.

Of course, if you do not have a background in technology, this might be a little bit of a challenge. For example, you might not know what web hosting is or how to fully take advantage of agency marketing services. However, if you hire the right people, they can assist you when it comes to building a digital strategy. There are many resources available when it comes to business marketing for beginners; for example, you can talk to professionals from other companies that use digital marketing and see what they have to say.

Seo services

Online advertising is more important than ever. Every 30 seconds, $1.2 million is generated into the ecommerce market. With all of that cash flow the stakes are very high. Some of the smallest decisions that go into digital marketing can make or break your company, and you have to get the attention of the costumer almost immediately, otherwise they’re gone. If you have a webpage that is taking longer than three seconds, then 40% of people will abandon your webpage. You have only 10 seconds to make an impression online, according to Inspired Magazine, so you better act as fast and professional as possible.


Even something as technologically advanced as a webpage on a portable laptop seems outdated now. Everything has to have mobile compatibility. Just under 35% of all internet users go online using only their phones and as far as ecommerce, four out of five shoppers use their smartphones to shop. Over 60% of companies that have a specific mobile website have seen an increase in sales.

Social Media

Having a successful social media campaign is essential to your digital marketing strategy. Be sure to remain consistent across all social media platforms. It might throw off some potential customers if they’re on your LinkedIn page and notice your profile picture is different from your Facebook profile picture. Consistency and professionalism are essential.

Search Engine Optimization

Your SEO strategy can help improve your company’s online advertising tremendously. Search engines are now influencing just under 90% of all business purchasing decisions. The top listing on Google receives 33% of the traffic. The second listing only gets 18% of traffic and it only goes down from there. There are professional SEO companies that can help improve your SEO strategy for online marketing.

Having success and relevance online is so vital in the marketing world and consumers and companies are only going to rely on it more and more in the near future. Some can argue that making a good impression online is more important than making a good face to face impression. That might not be 100% true today, but the upward trending technology revolution is certainly heading in that direction. Being active on social media, having a good SEO strategy, and keeping up with mobile innovations are extremely important in online marketing, but things are always evolving, so keep an eye out.