We live in the most technologically advanced time in all of human history. We have the internet at our fingers at all times and a world of information a few clicks away. With this shift from print media to digital, many people would assume that starting a small business requires mostly an online approach. However, studies have shown that an ideal small business marketing strategy includes both print and digital communication in order to reach the widest audience. Even in this internet driven digital society, there is something to be said for quality printed materials and advertisements. Quality promotional materials can be the difference between your small business looking amateurish or professional. Especially in an market glutted with cut rate online digital printing services, it’s more important than ever to do your research when choosing between commercial printing companies.
Sometimes the Most Cost Effective Choice Isn’t the Best
In this online media business climate, many companies spend countless amounts of money to maintain their online presence. Whether it is through websites, twitter accounts, Facebook or other social media outlets, there is the common misconception that having quality printed materials is outdated or even not as important compared to digital media. This has lead to many businesses opting to use the cheapest digital printing services when it comes to promotional materials or even business cards. While this approach may seem to initially be the most cost effective option, it can actually lead to wasted time and even money. One of the problems with the cut rate digital printers is that the quality can vary greatly from job to job, making consistency a problem. This means more time spent trying to get the printer to correct problems.
Promotional Materials Actually Do Make a Difference
We have all received some type of promotional materials from companies, whether it be hats, pens, calendars, or some other everyday item. Surveys are showing that these promotional materials actually do work to help drum up business. Studies have show that 84% of American consumers that receive quality promotional materials that include a company’s name, keep it and use it in everyday life. For example, consumer, on average, keep promotional calendars for the entire year. This emphasizes the importance of choosing a print company that offers a wide range of quality digital printing services.
Your Most Cost Effective Advertising Option May be Outdoors
The billboard in America has become the ubiquitous sign of retro advertising. It is seen as trope, mostly seen in movies. It might be easy to dismiss billboard and outdoor advertising as a remnant from a bygone era, but the truth is that outdoor advertising works and is far more cost effective than many modern methods. For example, on average outdoor advertising is a half as expensive as radio advertisement spots, 60% less expensive than buying space in newspapers and 80% less expensive than buying commercial TV air time.
It is important to remember a good marketing strategy is all encompassing and doesn’t just focus on one segment of the population. By incorporating a diverse digital and print strategy you increase your small business chances of reaching the widest audience possible.