In order to get a professional looking print, you must first consider the paper that you are using. Whether you be creating a poster, printing photographs, or making copies of blueprints, choosing the right paper is key to a successful print job. Here are a few helpful tips that will make finding the perfect paper for your needs a little bit easier.
Consider the Final Look During Every Stage
The paper that you choose will need to fit the needs of the final look that you are trying to create with your print. Because of this, it is important that you have a clear idea of what you want the final project to look like.
For example, a bond paper roll may be a good option for blueprint paper or engineering paper, but you may want something different for photographs or graphic images. Using a single type of paper for all of your projects will not result in professional looking prints, because different prints have different paper needs.
Do You Need Coated or Uncoated Paper?
There are paper options available that come with different types of coating on them, such as a gloss or matte coat. Vinyl paper rolls, for example, can be good options for photographs or posters because they allow for you to add a different appearance to the print through their coating.
Uncoated paper is a good choice for prints that contain a great deal of text, such as books. A bond paper roll that does not have a coating on it would be a nice choice of paper for blueprints, for example.
The Importance of the Thickness and Weight of the Paper
Another aspect of the paper that needs to be considered is its thickness and weight. Bond paper is the lightest in weight, followed by text paper, and cover paper.
A paper that weighs more is generally thicker, meaning if you are needing thick and sturdy paper for a poster, a bond paper roll is likely not the best choice.
Make Sure Your Printer Supports the Paper
While finding the right paper is critical to the success of your print job, the perfect paper is little use to you if your printer is unable to use it. If you find that you need a 36 x 500 bond paper roll, make sure that your printer will be compatible with that size and type of paper.
You may find that you are only able to use inkjet plotter paper rolls, for example. If this is the case, it is best to find out before purchasing the paper to save you time and money.
Using the right paper for your print project is important if you want to achieve a successful and professional looking print. By understanding the desired look of the project, studying the available paper types, and properly researching your printer, you have a greater chance of ending up with a successful print.