Whether large or small, cover or uncovered, steel storage tanks have become a much needed item for many industrial companies and factories. Bolted steel tank manufacturers
have gained much traction due to this boosted in demand. Regardless of the other kinds of materials used to make storage tanks it?s safe to say that the big metal water tanks made of steel are the best choice due to their durability, compatibility, and low cost of production. Furthermore, custom storage tanks made of steel require very low maintenance when compared to others.
While these tanks may be the best in regards to durability they are still not immune to something that plagues almost every kind of metal; rust. Removing rust from open top rectangular steel tanks can be a very challenging ordeal. There are several different types of strategies used such a the use of abrasives, acids, and even a soda beverage. Regardless of which strategy you decide to use, it?s imperative that rust does not remain in metallic bolted tanks. Let’s take a closer look at some of the way you can eliminate rust from an open top rectangular steel tanks and get it to its smooth and shiny finish.
Use an abrasive
It?s been highly recommended to use nuts and bolts inside of a steel tank so that it can knock or scrape off an excess rust that might produce over time. Although this may be a great way to eliminate the rust from steel bolted water storage tanks it’s not a very effective method all on its own. As a substitute for nuts and bolts, using ice might save you from having to keep purchasing nuts and bolts while helping to wash out the tank as well. The only issue with this is that you have to replace the ice once it’s melted.
If you plan to use some sort of acidic material to get rid of rust inside of a steel holding tank, make sure you’re wearing the right protective gear. Your entire skin must be protected from head to toe. If the tank is a large open top rectangular steel tanks you may need to get in there to eliminate the rust. Wear protective, pants, shirt, boots, gloves, and something around you head as well. Ensure that you have protective goggles to keep the acid form your eyes. The best way to go about using hazardous material is to be prepared for anything that might happen. If you’re using muriatic acid ensure that you have some baking soda at hand if it spills and always dispose of hazardous waste material properly after the job is done. Last but not least, make sure that the acid you use is diluted with water as well.
If you?re looking for a much safer acidic property to use, vinegar is the next best thing. It can be used to clean out the tank form open top rectangular steel tanks, gas tanks, and water tanks. Vinegar has acetic acid which can lift the rust right off the metal and making it much easier to clean off. If you leave the vinegar in the tank over night it might even dissolve the rust completely. Just make sure that the vinegar is also diluted with some water as well and if you have an abundance of rust try using a mixture of salt and vinegar which removes rust much faster than just vinegar alone.