If you are working on developing a new, plastic product, you may be thinking about how you are going to manufacture it. You have a lot of options when it comes to making plastic molded parts. One way that plastic molded parts are made is the process that is known as custom rotational molding or rotomolding. This is a very cost effective way to make a variety of plastic products. Custom rotomolding may be the best way for your to manufacture your new product.
The Rotomolding Process:
While it has been around for a long time, the process known as rotomolding is not totally understood for everyone. The Association of Rotational Molders (ARM) describes the rotomolding process as being one that uses low pressure to make plastic parts that are hollow.
This definition was expanded by the Plastics Professionals. They explain the process further. The rotomolding process uses a liquid resin or a powder. After it is put into the mold, the mold gets inserted into an oven where either the powder is melted or the liquid becomes less viscous. The mold is then rotated so that the polymer or resin is allowed to coat the walls of the mold. The mold itself can be made to create any of the plastic molded parts that are needed for many products.
The rotations happen at a very slow pace. The mold is rotated at a rate of fewer than 20 rotations each minute. It is crucial that the timing of the rotations is controlled completely so that the walls of the mold are covered completely but in a consistent manner. One mold can take up to three hours but the time is well spent.
After this stage is complete, the mold is removed and put in a cooling station. Air can be used to cool the mold or a fine mist of water can be applied. Then the plastic molded parts are removed and the process can be repeated.
Why is this process a good one to consider?
- It is cost effective. The custom roto molding process can be very effective for companies who want to save money in the manufacturing process. It does not cost a lot to make the molds themselves. Also, none of the materials that are used in the process are wasted. This is a big cost savings for manufacturing companies. While the process of coating the mold with the plastic material may seem slow, the overall process to make products is a lot shorter than other processes that are used for plastic molded parts and other products. The tools used for rotomolding are cheaper to make and this adds to the cost savings that is associated with the custom rotomolding process. There are also a number of options that manufacturers of plastic products have available to them when they opt for this process.
- It is very versatile. When you use the rotomolding process, you can make a product of almost any size or shape. Whether you are looking to manufacture plastic molded parts, rolling laundry carts or items as small as ping pong balls, you can do that with the rotomolding process. The melted plastic in the mold will conform to any shape you want. The thickness of the product will be consistent and uniform. The products that are made with the rotomolding process have a high quality and can have great graphics added to their surface easily.
- You can make products that are very complex. It does not matter if the product you are trying to make has a unique, different or complicated shape, you can make it with a rotomolding process. When you make all of your plastic molded parts separately, you can create products that are made from different materials or have moving parts or both. It is hard to imagine the kinds of plastic products that cannot be made with the rotomolding process.
- You do not have to make a lot of a product. If you have a new product, you may not want to make a ton of them until you know how popular it will be. You can limit the number of items you make when you use rotomolding.
You have many options for plastics manufacturing but rotomolding is versatile and cost effective.