Electronic disposal is an important process that protects the health of humans and their environment. But what exactly does electronic disposal consist of? This video delves into an e-waste processing plant that goes through over 200,000kg of electronic waste every month to show what electronic waste disposal looks like.
The first part of the disposal process is the sorting of the electronic material into different piles. The waste disposal team will separate CRT TVs from flat-screen TVs from computers, and on, and on. The piles of waste are collected into containers and then weighed before being sent to the presorting phase.
The presorting phase sees workers removing potentially hazardous materials from the electronics. Batteries, ink cartridges, CRT glass, lamps with mercury, and more. CRT televisions need to be completely disassembled because they contain leaded glass that needs to be disposed of in a specialized way.
The third stage is to shred the materials. The disposal site has a large industrial shredder that can chew through the electronic waste. The shredded waste then is sorted by more workers and passes under an overband magnet to separate steel from the other waste.
For more information, check out the video in the link above.