In 1972 a British engineer named Godfrey Hounsfield invented the CT scan. It was slow, at first, taking hours to process data and days to construct an image but it was revolutionary for its time. In a few short years, the process would go from only being able to image heads to being capable of scanning and reproducing images of whole bodies. By 1980 it had become a common and useful practice for doctors everywhere. It has only been in recent years that this process, now branched into several subcategories including cone beam ct imaging, has been considered for purposes in other industries. Namely, the ability to scan and inspect products for these industries before they are used to ensure safety and quality.
- Speed and Clarity
For many industries, such as the automotive or energy industry, safety is key. That’s why clarity of imaging is so important for all mechanical components of the industry. Spatial size is connected directly to pixel size and pixel size is related to resolution size, all of which are no problem when it comes to industrial ct scanning. The process has come far ahead of the days of Hounsfield. Digital radiography cuts the exposure time down from some 30% to 50%. When it comes to computed radiography, electronic image transfer is much faster than the older chemical film production. This means clearer and faster images for company and a subsequent rise in the efficiency of product inspection. Some X-ray processes can move as fast as 30 frames a second, worlds ahead of traditional inspection procedures. It’s no big secret as to why many companies have decided to switch to digital x-ray scanning and x-ray inspection services. It’s just plain easier than older methods.
- Direct Quality
Older methods of product scanning, aside from being slow and costly, were also prone to causing harm to the item in question. They would occasionally even destroy parts in the inspection service process. Smaller or delicate parts were especially prone to being tampered with. Cone beam ct imaging and 3d scanning processes are a form of non-destructive testing. They never harm the part or mechanism they are imaging, leaving it perfectly usable and intact. Fragile mechanical parts, no matter how small, are left whole and wholly imaged. Parts as small as 5 mm can be x-rayed digitally with no problem. This means even industries working with immensely intricate machines, such as the arms or aerospace industry, can be sure that their products are ensured for complete safety.
- Imagining the Next Step
Cone beam ct imaging is improving all the time. It is already possible to construct 3d models through the composure of billions of voxels. The rapid advancement promises to continue, bringing so many more useful processes that have only just started to see implementation. 3d metrology, rapid prototyping and 3d reverse engineering all have potential to increase efficiency and productivity in manufacturing. Soon it may be possible to suggest improvements for the product while actively scanning for routine inspection. Machines advancing machines, all monitored by professionals for maximum innovation. Through that method and others, the future will come faster than ever.