In this digital age, it may seem like emphasis on printable materials is becoming less and less important. However, 76% of small business say that their ideal marketing strategy encompasses a combination of both print and digital communication.
Indeed, with the heavy volume of information flooding the internet these days, it may be that retro physical materials from a print company could be much more memorable for consumers. Indeed, 84% of Americans retain a company’s name when they receive promotional gifts with the company’s logo on it.
When advertising, it is important to maintain a holistic approach and get at it from all sides. This includes printed materials. here are some ideas for creative ways to get the attention of potential customers with printable materials:
Business Cards
Daily, there are about 27,397,260 business cards printed. That’s a lot of cards to compete against, but by getting creative yours can stand out from them all. Make sure to make personal connections when giving them out — that will help people remember you and put a face to the card. And don’t be afraid to think out of the box when designing your cards — if you own a consignment shop, get printed cards shaped like a dress, or if your a personal trainer have a quick diagram of a simple rep on the back of your card.
Yes, the tried and true promotional material — calendars. Revamp this classic ad method by commissioning artists to make it a memorable and beautiful calendar, peppering each month with subtle advertising. Don’t be afraid that it won’t be effective — give it out at the end of the year and expect a return in the next couple of months. On average, it was found that consumers kept their promotional calendars for all 12 months of the year. Custom printed items really extend a personal touch.
The main reason you should go to a print company is for assistance with signage — after all, outdoor signage costs 80% less than television advertising, 60% less than newspaper ads, and 50% less than radio advertisements. It will draw people into your business and increase the chance that they will remember you. Choose wide format and design a catchy logo before you submit your plan to a printing company.
Remember to continue your online and digital marketing campaigns, but don’t neglect the old fashioned stuff either!
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