Biological samples are usually extra sensitive to environmental changes. For instance, a slight change in room temperature will easily result in degradation, while a lower than optimal temperature will often cause integrity loss. Therefore, a biotech or biological pharmaceutical facility must equip itself with the latest in cold storage equipment to maintain the stability and viability of these samples. The other easier alternative is to employ cold chain logistics services.
What to Look for in a Cold Chain Delivery Service Company
The integrity of your vaccines and biology samples during transit relies on the cold-chain system you put in place. Therefore, if you don’t have your system in place and instead rely on a cold chain delivery service, you must take the time to choose one. In that light, here’s what to look for in such a firm.
As already mentioned, the integrity and safety of your samples rely on the logistics company you choose during transit. So it’s wise to look for a company that will offer you a flexible and highly personalized service for a streamlined transportation process.
Effective Back-Up Equipment and Procedures
The company you choose might have the best vaccine transportation equipment, but the primary equipment might fail, and all your biology samples can go to waste. Therefore, look for a company that not only offers personalized services but one that has trucks equipped with backup freezers to safeguard your product when the primary fails during transit. The company should also have effective procedures for handling hazardous materials.
Factors to Consider When Hiring a Cold Chain Logistics Company
Whether you’re transporting your collection of biology samples across the country to another state or outside the country, ensure you do the following
Review the Credentials
Since it’s involved in the transportation of biological materials, a cold chain delivery company isn’t an average logistics company. It’s required to have been approved by the United States Department of Transportation and several other certifications. Therefore, before you give any company the green light to handle your moving, request for the credentials to confirm that it is both certified and has sufficient training to handle the transportation process. In other words, the first and most important factor to look for in the cold chain logistics services company you opt for is the credentials.
Consider the Experience<.h3>
When looking for a cold chain shipping solution, you want a company that’s has been actively offering biostorage and transportation services for a while. You also want a company with a proven track record in the transportation and storage of biological materials. Additionally, you want to work with a company with expert managers who will work hand in hand with you to ensure the process is smooth sailing. Only then can you be confident that it has the resources as well as the skills to safely transport your vaccines, medication, or any other biological material.
Note, a cold chain logistics services company might have met all industry standards and has the right certifications but still relatively new. So ensure you confirm the firm’s experience by reviewing the portfolio as well as the number of years it has been in service. Review customer referrals for further assurance.
Type of Service
Cold chain logistics companies are categorized into two main groups as shown below
- Integrators- This refers to companies that offer their cold chain shipping solutions on a fixed model. They usually operate on a very strict schedule.
- Premium-Contrary to the latter, premium cold chain delivery companies offer flexible and highly customized services. They offer daily departures and work with most commercial airlines. They manage the delivery service from the word go to the end.
Consider the Cost
A cold chain shipping solution might be the perfect fit for you, but if you can’t afford it, then it will be of no good to you. Another one might perfectly fit your budget but doesn’t give you value for your money. So while you should not base your choice of a cold chain logistics services company on the cost, it’s also an essential factor to consider.
Vaccine or biological material transportation is super-delicate. Ensure you take your time to review a cold chain storage provider before you trust them with the task.