What Causes a Computer to Crash? Three Answers to Your Crash Questions

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Computer crashes are something no one likes to encounter, but they happen to us all. At best, it is an inconvenience. At worst, you lose data, or realize there is a hardware problem with your computer. Six percent of PC users, in fact, experience data loss of some magnitude at least once a year There are many common questions people have about crashing computers. Here are three questions as well as answers for what is going on.

1. What causes a computer to crash?

There are many different reasons a computer might crash. Bad memory, hardware malfunction, viruses, insufficient CPU cooling, power supply issues, hard drive failure, and bad software can all cause crashes. Some of these issues, such as power supply problems, are easier to fix than others, such as hard drive failures.

2. How do you crash your computer?

If you are trying to crash your computer because it has frozen or to see if you can restore it to a previous state, you can often push the power button for several seconds in order to accomplish this. If you are using a desk computer, you can pull out the power supply. If you are trying to permanently crash your computer for some reason, right click on the start button, left click to explore it, and delete any files you come across. Sooner or later you will delete files required to run your computer. Sometimes what people really want instead is to restore their computer to factory default. This process different for each computer and you will need to read or download a user manual in order to know how.

3. How can you prevent computer crashing viruses?

There are about 300 known types of malware, with many different variants within these categories. There is no one virus to crash computers. Instead, there exists a variety of viruses, all with different aims, some with the end result of causing your computer to crash. Instead of protecting against any one virus, you need firewalls and antivirus protection software. Together, they effectively stop malicious programs from entering or operating inside of your computer. This will prevent any virus to crash computers.

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