When’s the last time you thought about your phone cable’s charging abilities? How about whether or not your Ethernet cables are up to speed?
If the answer is a noncommittal shrug, never fear. Now’s a fantastic time to take a critical look at your workstation and figure out the weak spots. While the majority of Americans log into the Internet every day, only some are actually getting the full range of benefits. Technology moves at the speed of light and it’s only a proactive attitude that will deliver on what you need. If you’re not sure what the difference is between a USB cable and an Ethernet cable, it’s time to take a look below.
Become fluent in the language of cables by reading below. You’ll be surprised at what you find!
Quick Facts About Today’s Technology
Before you think about how you charge your phone…did you know the first fiber optic cable ever used was to connect the United States to Europe? This was only done a few decades ago, which should give you a good idea as to how quickly technology moves. By the time 2017 came around there were nearly four billion Internet users around the world. Nearly 400 iPhones are sold every single minute and it’s estimated 80% of Americans go online every day. It’s easy to take all this technology for granted…but you can fix that with a little knowledge!
Getting The Most Out Of Your Phone
First things first…double-check how you charge your phone. You’ll be surprised by how out of date a cellphone can get in a year! It’s recommended by most phone manufacturers you don’t wait until your phone is near a 0% charge before reaching for your charger. This can wear out the battery prematurely and force you to upgrade when you don’t need to. Make sure to charge it up when it nears 40% and use the correct compatible phone charger to get the most out of your investment.
Improving Your Ethernet Capabilities With Little Effort
How about your Internet speed? If your connection keeps dropping out of nowhere or slowing down without reason, you could be in need of some new cables. The CAT cable is your one-stop shop for all things Ethernet-related, simple enough to grasp once you learn the different terms. CAT5 and CAT5e are relatively basic, perfect for general use and households with active families. CAT6 cables, however, are a more preferred option for people who multitask, go online frequently, or stream games live.
Changing The Way You Look At Compatible Devices
This may seem like nitpicking, but a little compatibility can save you money. Too many people these days use the wrong charger for their phone or a USB cable that’s out-of-date. The HDMI 2.0 hardware (for audio and video quality) supports bandwidth up to 18Gb per second, while the USB 2.0 compliant devices are able to reach transmission rates of 480 Mbps. It’s also recommended you tie your cables together so you don’t mix them up. Learning the differences between devices will take a little organization, but you’ll be glad for the end results.
Keeping Your Equipment Safe With Preventative Steps
Charge your phone right…and keep your equipment safe. You can do this by investing in a surge protector that will shield your investment from a power outage or a storm. According to recent data by the Electrical Safety Foundation International, over 80% of surveyed professionals said a power strip surge protector was an indispensable part of their repertoire. Over the course of 2019 you should pick your way through your electronics and figure out what isn’t working as well as it should. You’ll be surprised at what you find.
You can charge your phone better. You can improve your Internet. See what a simple switch in cables does for your enjoyment in 2019!