Traffic. There are many ways to view it. There is traffic on the roads, which is unwelcome traffic. It means more delays, more trouble getting to a location, less ability to navigate the road. Then there is web traffic, which has a very different connotation. Yes, it involves a lot of people heading to a destination. But there’s little clogging.
And it is attractive for the person who owns the destination.
Web traffic is measured at least in part by a single term: the click. A click means that someone, either an actual person or a spider crawler, has entered the website. That click means hits and is often a result of certain marketing tactics or social media exposure. That click signifies popularity. It means an organization is doing well.
A website has many ways to earn people’s clicks. There are different methods in which a website can increase what is called “footprint” on the web. The first one worth talking about is the design of the website itself. The design of the website is important, as it is the first thing a person sees on the web.
A website design for a company or business should follow the norms of the industry to create a well-pleasing image and font and general face. Website design could be down by a marketing professional, who should know the in and outs of the industry in order to make it look better and to attract customers.
If a website is not professional, a person might click out immediately and go to another website. There are other options for increasing web traffic as well. Some of these have to do with search engine optimization by the creation of “content” and some of these have to do with algorithms and others kind of issues on the web.
The statistics are:
- SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) have a 1.7% close rate.
- The biggest challenge B2B marketers face in regards to lead generation is generating high-quality leads (61%).
- 50% of all mobile searches are conducted in hopes of finding local results, and 61% of those searches result in a purchase.
- Nearly half (46%) of people say a website?s design is their number one criterion for determining the credibility of a company.
- 60% of all organic clicks go to the organic top 3 search results.
- Each year, Google changes its search algorithm around 500?600 times.
- Blogging increases web traffic by 55% for brands.
- B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads than those without blogs.
The term search engine optimization is something that seems to signify a great deal to Americans but has little context to draw off of. What is search engine optimization? It is the creation of content to put on a website in order to bolster its standing on the search engine.
Search engine relies on writers who write articles and put in keywords so that when the article is placed on the website, the keywords will bump them up on the search engine. SEO can be done on its own, or it can be the product of a company that employs many writers to write search engine optimization articles.
When it comes to SEO and blogging and general management of a company, there is possibly a need for Information Technology services. Information technology means a department in the company or a department within a cloud service that handles the Internet and computer problems within that company.
IT services, either within a department or within the cloud, mean dealing with hardware, software, Internet, and other computer and technical issues that befall a company during their day to day activities. Often, a computer will break, which requires IT solutions. Often a software will malfunction, which will require IT solutions.
Many companies are outsourcing their IT support to organizations that are “on the cloud.” The cloud is a term that describes an online platform that provides companies an online destination for their software, managed IT services, security, storage, programs, and more. Organizations on the cloud often offer managed IT services.
Because cloud services offer managed IT services, many companies have chosen to phase out their IT departments in favor of the cloud. Managed IT services can involve network support and network security. These can be helpful for a company.