There are many reasons that employee retention rates have become problematic – and become problematic they have. With more than two and a half million people having left their jobs in the June of 2015 alone – and all on a voluntary basis, for that matter – it is clear to see that more and more people are looking for better work. This is particularly true among the younger generation of workers now in the workplace, with more than half of all Millennials willing to leave their current job at the drop of a hat, should they be offered a better one.
But blaming the “job hopping generation” for job hopping is not particularly construction, as a number of underlying issues become more and more clear the more that we look at them. For instance, it is clear that far too few people feel adequately supported in the workplace. As a matter of fact, the data that has been gathered on the subject is more than in support of this claim. This data, after all, shows that up to 80% of all people in the American workforce feel that they are not being adequately motivated by their superiors while on the job. Not only can this lead to a confusion in regards to expectations (something that up to 30% of all top executives deem as the main problem behind employee retention rates) but can lead to a growing sense of apathy among those employed in these capacities and those who are struggling with such issues.
Fortunately, there are steps that, when taken and implemented, can combat such issues. An employee recognition program is a great example of such a step, particularly because it is so highly effective for workplaces throughout the entirety of this country – and likely in other places of the world to boot. In fact, more than 85% of all companies who have put some type of employee recognition program into place have noted that an increase in overall employee happiness has been seen. And when employees are happy in their place of work, they are certainly far less likely to be looking for work elsewhere. Therefore, employee retention rates improve. Levels of work productivity and overall quality of work is likely to improve as well, as a happy employee who feels valued will certainly want to give back more into their job.
Executive search consultant services can also come into place, given the fact that more than 35% of all top executives surveyed feel that issues with employee retention actually stem from poor hiring of said employees. Through the use of organizations like executive search consultant services as well as outplacement consulting firms, many of these issues can be avoided. Executive search consultant firms that provide executive search consultant services can help to ensure a better prospective candidate screening process. Therefore, executive search consultant firms providing executive search consultant services can help to ensure that fewer and fewer people are getting hired only to find out that they are poorly suited to the work. Therefore, executive search consultant firms that provide executive search consultant services can save companies a lot of money – and there’s no doubt that these executive search consultant firms providing these executive search consultant services will benefit companies and employees alike.
Even just including a broader sense of diversity in an office space can be hugely beneficial. After all, the benefits of diversity are becoming more and more well known, with office spaces that are gender diverse alone outperforming their less than gender diverse peers by as much as a full 15%. And when an office space or other such work space is ethnically diverse, they can outperform other, not quite so ethnically diverse spaces by as much as a full 35%. Therefore, it’s a good thing that things are changing in the working world, with women now representing up to 5% of all CEOs in this country. And while that is still a relatively small percentage, it shows a great deal of change has been made throughout our country’s history. Even slowly made change, after all, can be largely beneficial.